B. Arab Kepemimpinan hijrah kedua diserahkan kepada .... * a. Ja'far bin Abi Thalib b. Zaid bin Haritsah c. Bilal bin Rabbah d. Utsman bin Affan devanmrazulv – June 05, 2023
Matematika Perbandingan berat benda : Berat tempat pensil = 4 kelereng dan 2 koin Berat Buku = 5: Kelerang dan 3 Koin a. Benda yang lebih berat adalah : b. Benda yang lebih ringan adalah : c. Berat tempat pensil sebanding dengan .... Kelerang dan ..... Koin devanmrazulv – June 05, 2023
B. inggris match the following adjetives with the kategories!1.( ) green a. scent 2.( ) clowdy b. weather3.( ) swetet c. sound 4.( )cold d. distance5.( ) big e.condition6.( ) Far f. texture7.( )rough g. shape8.( ) Quiet h. color9.( ) fishy i. size10.( ) square j. tastetolong dibantu ya dikumpulkan malam ini devanmrazulv – June 05, 2023
B. inggris Hello my name is Kirana Aprilia, i am from Medan, but at the moment I am living here in Yogyakarta because my father is working in a bank here. My mother is teaching English in a bilingual school in an elementary school. I have a lot of friends. They are Javanese to 1 am amming this language very quickly I have a brother. He is all very little because he is only three. He is not studying Javanese but he is leaming a lot of new words. My family and I are living in a very big house. It is near the center of the town Now we arein the living room it is raining. My father is working on his laptop. He is checking some emails. He is also doing some calculations. I think he is making a report to the bank. My mother is checking the student's exercises. She is giving scores to them. She is also preparing for the next materials beuse dans will start early in the moming tomorrow My brother and I are watching a cartoon ga on television. It is our favourite program. We are watching it while having snacks. The cartoon is telling about the experience of a student in a field trip. It is very funny. My brother and I are laughing all the time. We are very happy.Questions:1. Who is the writer of the text? HOTS 2 Where does the writer live?3. How is the weather at the moment?4. What is the writer's mother doing right now?5. What is the writer and her brother watching? devanmrazulv – June 04, 2023
Fisika 5. Hitunglah besar muai panjang yang dialami oleh jembatan Pondok Kelapa yang terbuat dari besi dengan panjang 8 meter, koefisien muai panjang besi 11x 10 dan suhu pada pagi hari 35°C menjadi 50°C pada siang hari! devanmrazulv – June 01, 2023
SBMPTN 10. Perhatikan pernyataan berikut! (1) Lantai kendaraan (2) Trotoar (3) Pangkal jembatan (4) Balok diafragma (5) Pilar Dari pernyataan di atas yang termasuk konstruksi bagian atas dari jembatan ditujukkan pada nomor .... a. (1),(2), dan (4) C. (2), (3), dan(4) b. (1), (2), dan (3) d. (3), (4), dan (5). devanmrazulv – June 01, 2023
B. inggris susunlah kata kata berikut dgn benar!1. hobby-is-guitar-His-playing. Answer: ....2. is-hobby - reading - does? Answer: ....3. is one of hobby - Football - kind Answer:...4. like-not-camping - does - Ali. Answer: 5. Mita - playing - archery - likes Answer: yokk bantu devanmrazulv – April 10, 2023
Seni 1. 3 contoh karakteristik pembagian suara dalam lagu daerah?2. 3 contoh teknik menyanyikan lagu daerah setempat atau daerah lain dalam dua bagian suara atau lebih 3. tiga contoh melakukan aransemen lagu daerah setempat atau daerah lain dalam dua suara atau lebih tolong jawab yaaa tugas nya buat besokk devanmrazulv – April 10, 2023
Matematika Mary bought 2 vanguard sheets each measuring 70 cm by 90 cm. She cut out squam of identical size from the vanguard sheets such that there was no wastage. (a) What is the largest possible length of the side of each square card she cut out? (b) What is the total number of square cards she cut out such that there was no wastage? devanmrazulv – April 07, 2023